Friday, July 2, 2010

Cultural Education

Everything you need to know about a place you can learn from billboards. Hee hee, generalisms. But, seriously, I've been learning a lot about the general mentality of individual states while reading the signs along the road. Get it? Reading the signs?! Ooh, I kill myself!

I started paying attention in North Carolina where someone named Dick is big into seafood. My favourite was, "I got crabs from Dirty Dick's!" Well, duh! Who wouldn't?

Along Florida's panhandle there were plenty of boards making sure that I know that God was ready to talk and that a fetus's heart starts beating 18 days after conception. Then there was the sage advice of, "America, love it or leave it." Figures, ils me disent ca quand je suis le plus loin possible de chez-nous. Peut-etre ca serait mieux de mettre ca plus pres de la frontiere?

Alabama was a beautiful contrast of prolific, almost weed-like sproutings of advertising for casinos where there is a tonne of cash just waiting to be won just by me, "... Honest."

Now, Louisiana puts Dick to shame with their love for all things crustacean. Homard, crevette, crabe... ils l'ont tout ici. Et, ils savent comment les preparer dans des milliards de facons.

Since I will not be partaking of the gumbo I am on the hunt for another traditional delicacy called a beignet. French for doughnut, it is oh so much more, including more calories. My thighs are already thanking me.


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